Monday, November 29, 2010
Archimedes Enjoys the Sun
Saturday, November 20, 2010
The Dance of the Dolichos
Muhli Suspension
Friday, November 19, 2010
Bloomin' Rosemary
Yikes! Does it Bite??
It looks a bit like one of those weird, scary underwater creatures that is going to swim up and bite you in the dark. But it is really the top of the plant I am most worried about as the temperatures begin to drop ominously in the evening.... my tall cactus at the bottom of the garden. I was told I should dig it up and bring it in in the winter, but that is not going to happen. So, I hope I can succesfully drape it so that it will live to scare another year.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Oh, Be still my Heart
Melia Azedarach, or White Cedar
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Owl Report
We saw the owl again this afternoon. But he seems to be feeling a little self-conscious, because twice I went out to try and get his picture, and both times he disappeared inside the box just as I got under the tree. I believe I heard a little hoot of displeasure the first time I tried.
So either he is feeling particularly grumpy right now, or our owl has decided to get all camera-shy on us. Well, harumph to that, I say.
But it makes me wonder if all those afternoons that we saw no sign of him he was actually there! Interesting.
So either he is feeling particularly grumpy right now, or our owl has decided to get all camera-shy on us. Well, harumph to that, I say.
But it makes me wonder if all those afternoons that we saw no sign of him he was actually there! Interesting.
Friday, November 12, 2010
I want one.... A Golden Raintree
The Slug Plant Bloomed.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Catching Fire...
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Falling Leaves and Allergies: Is there a connection?
The Cedar Elm leaves look very picturesque in the Artemisia. But, is it possible that these self-same adorable leaves currently detaching themselves from the mother-ship, could account for the total, body-shuddering sneezes I am currently experiencing at an alarmingly frequent rate, such that I feel I can empathize with what people who have petit mal seizures must go through....????
Then damn their buccolic, fall beauty.
Phase Two
Season of Mists...
Ode To Autumn
by John Keats
Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,
Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;
Conspiring with him how to load and bless
With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eaves run;
To bend with apples the mossed cottage-trees,
And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;
To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells
With a sweet kernel; to set budding more,
And still more, later flowers for the bees,
Until they think warm days will never cease,
For Summer has o'er-brimmed their clammy cell.
My favorite poem of all time,
forever and ever, amen.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Blog Bounty or Blog Overdose: you decide
I found refuge and solace in the garden today. When the rest of the world seems just a bit much, focusing on the minutae of life can be very soothing. I tried to capture some of what I saw and then of course, I had to share the details. SO, as you can see, there is a bountiful blog harvest today.... and I would be willing to admit that it may cause indigestion if consumed at one sitting. It might be well to space out the viewing so as to avoid any feelings of bloating or nausea. But, maybe there will be something in there that will bring wonder to you, too. (And after you wonder, the next question is why? and then, put it all together and say, "I wonder why there are so many weeds in her garden?") (Maybe she should put down the camera and pull some of them)Ha.
Blue Daze
I had to show this photo because it is so interesting for so many reasons....
First the flower, just starting to open, looks like crepe paper. Second, the stem is REALLY hairy! And thirdly, there is the added bonus of a passing seed resting temporarily, before being borne aloft again by the most amazing, dancing, hair-like wisps of silk, so that it looks almost alive. Check THAT out.
Sluggish Succulent
Weird Veggie Patch
Remember the Alamo...
Other Lovers of the Copper Canyon Daisy
You see... I am not the only one enamored here.
These babies are attracting all manner of adoring creatures. And check out the pollen on that bees legs! Dang! If only we had started Glenn's bee hive project we'd have some super drunk bees going home from work every evening. I bet the honey production would be through the roof.
Eyes on the Eggplant!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
The Birth of Zen
O.k. here it is, but remember it is just the beginning.... these things take time, especially as one person is digging up the grass and toting the pea gravel from the car.... So picture pretty flagstones leading in a curvy attractive way from the SEA-ment path in the left corner over to, and around the pebbly oasis, and between the bamboo and the ornamental grass..., and there will soon be some cacti of some sort or another in there, and hopefully some bigger rocks to add texture and shape.
Oh, I can see it all now, clear as a bell, in my mind's eye. If only someone would take some kind of syringe and suction it out of my brain and squirt it out into the yard. (Now there is a creepy image for you!)
p.s. the grass I planted is called 'bamboo muhli', and is supposed to be evergreen. We'll see.
Golden Glory, the sequel
Sorry to bore you with more of these drops of golden sunshine, but look at them! I think I'm in love. Click to enlarge the pictures, and check out the amazing mass of curls in the center of each circle of petal perfection. They are in their glory right now. And to think I was about to pull them all up by the roots.
The Owl came back....
The owl came back, the very next week. We thought he was a goner, but the owl. came. back.
Very exciting. Just like before, he has been there all afternoon. I don't think he is thrilled that I am taking this picture, but he is going to have to get used to that if he plans on sticking around. We are wondering if this is his weekend gettaway though, as he seemed to be gone all week...hmmm. I know we have an extremely spa-like garden, so I guess it is a possibility. Or maybe he has been there all along but during the week he's all business, and he doesn't like to hang out of the box.
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